The Wonders of Winter

Wendy White

Brooklyn, NY

Wendy White is a native of Deep River, CT. Her work explores the frontier between the psychological aspects of athletics and its representation in contemporary society. For the artist, ski jumping is a powerful metaphor for personal expression—to rapidly descend a mountain, to take off alone fending off the wind, to land as smoothly as the land and snow will allow—all while logos and ski brands fly by in our periphery. She creates mixed-media works, incorporating found objects and digitally manipulated photographs into her acrylic and spray painted canvases. White’s work has appeared in numerous solo and group shows in the U.S. and internationally.

Awards:  New York Foundation for the Arts--Painting Fellowship (2012), Artist's Fellowship Inc.--grant (2008); George & Helen Segal Foundation--grant (2005); Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation--grant (2004) and Leon Golub Scholarship, Rutgers University (2001)

Contact Information:  201-403-4288

Elan, 2015
Acrylic on canvas
25 x 10
On display at: Academy Building
Völkl (Wipeout), 2019
Inkjet & acrylic on canvas
44 x 68
On display at: The White Hart Inn