The Historical Society believes that Salisbury's past must be connected to our present to create a better future. We record, preserve, protect, and present the Town's history through exhibits, lectures, collections, and publications; we support educational programs for all ages; we work cooperatively with the Town Historian as well as other community organizations.
Since 2007, the Historical Society has produced exhibits for display in the Academy Building telling the stories of Salisbury’s past. We have examined topics such as life in Salisbury during the world wars, the earliest years of settlement, and the role of education in our community. Do you have an idea for an exhibit? Please speak with us.
Two historical interpretive trails are monitored and maintained by the Historical Society. There is a quarter-mile walking tour of the Ames Iron Works site in the hamlet of Amesville and a driving tour throughout town of significant spots in the local iron industry. A guide for the driving tour is available on this site and through the Academy Building.
Historical Society members are active contributors to educational programs at local schools. Not only do we present information to students in classrooms, but we lead walking tours of historic neighborhoods, organize extracurricular activities, sponsor students in academic competitions such as National History Day, and provide resources to teachers.
There is a long-standing tradition of collaborating with the Scoville Memorial Library to present lectures, discussions, and presentations of local interest. Subjects have included the industrial heritage of the area, the Salisbury Town Grove, and European settlement of the town.
Through the work of the Town Historian, we collect local stories by way of the Salisbury Oral History Project. More than 300 individuals have been interviewed since the early 1980s. Hear their recollections or read their reminiscences through links on this site.

Under the stewardship of the Historical Society, the Salisbury Association cares for artifacts, documents, and maps of significance to Salisbury’s history. These are often used to tell the stories of that history. The collections are stored in the Academy Building, Scoville Library, and secure locations.
We Want You!
The Historical Society is a group of active people who enjoy researching, preserving, and celebrating the rich history of Salisbury, Connecticut. We meet regularly in the Academy Building. Please join us. Find out more by contacting the Salisbury Association.