The Wonders of Winter
Susan Rand
Salisbury, CT
I mostly paint from direct observation, quite often from my car if it’s cold or the weather is tricky, the dogs in the back to keep me company. I often catch glimpses of things that spark a feeling. For me painting is about remembering those glimpses and facing them head on by attempting to paint whatever that initial spark was; I might not be sure what it is I’m getting at. On a good day I can feel the dots connecting as I navigate along from the initial spark. If I can let go and let something deep down take over its very powerful. It doesn’t always happen but getting out there and doing it is great practice. Sometimes I get lucky.
Contact Information: 860-307-0393 or

Celebrating 50 Years After Landing On the Moon
Oil on linen
20 x 28
On Loan
On display at: William Pitt/Sotheby's International Realty