The Wonders of Winter

Judith Wyer

Canaan, CT

More difficult than technique is the challenge of subject. Inspiration comes at a fleeting moment and almost anywhere. Perhaps that is why the ephemeral, be it a wilting flower, a dog running by a road, or people taken out of themselves when viewing art can grab me. Sometimes I have to wait a long time for such an image to speak to me. My subject finds me. I don’t find it. When it does, I must be prepared with camera and sketch book. And then the laborious compositional work of extending and relishing the momentary begins. Art teaches patience.

Contact Information: 860-824-4441

Skaters, No. 1 Rockefeller Center
14 x 10
Skaters, No.2 Rockefeller Center
14 x 10
12 x 9
Student Skaters
Watercolor/colored pencil/graphite
12 x 9